With every passing day, there is a new data breach / hack in the news, usually effecting very large businesses and governments. That is not good PR. But, every day there are also data breaches and hacks occurring with small and medium sized businesses resulting in the theft of customer data, credit card info, bank account logins and more.
Businesses are becoming more and more vulnerable to attacks as they become more dependent on technology. Businesses are also at greater risk from data breaches due to human or system error. Indeed, analysts at Juniper Research project that data breaches will cost businesses more than $2 trillion globally by 2019, an increase of nearly 400 percent.
Optimus is very experienced with designing security solutions for businesses of all sizes – from the Fortune 500 company to the family owned business. It is incredibly important tyo make sure that you stay ahead of the curve when it comes to data security for all your data entry points, including all mobile devices.
Let Optimus and its security partners provide your business with managed network and security solutions that will help you sleep at night.
Optimus offers the following Security solutions:
- Firewall
- Security-as-a-Service
- Remote Access
- Network-based Antivirus
- Web Content Filtering
- Intrusion Prevention
- Intrusion Detection
- Compliance
- And more …..